Occupy Wall Street has taken us by storm. You'd never know it to listen to or watch the media coverage, though. First they wouldn't cover it at all. Then they got shamed into it (or more likely just decided it might be good for ratings). Then they told us it was just spoiled white kids and hippies who forgot where to go to the bathroom. Huh?
So, what are we complaining about, you ask? Do we even know? Glad you asked! We, THE PEOPLE, are not Republicans. Not Democrats. We are PISSED OFF. What's that? You think we don't even know what we're protesting about here? Bless yer little heart, honey. Sit yer self down fer a spell and let ol' Maimeo explain it to ya.
We are protesting the fact that three years ago Wall Street destroyed 20% of our national net worth and not one person involved has been held responsible. We're "upset about the fact that Wall Street has iron control over the economic policies of our country and that one party is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street and the other party caters to them, as well". [thank you, Alan Grayson for that quote]
I love the thoughts of one lovely 93 year old woman, Esther, who says "Social Security is our money. Workers fund Social Security, not the government. And Social Security didn't cause their budget deficit, so why is Congress even considering breaking its promise to millions who need it now and in the future?" She goes on to say "Let's put billionaires on notice. The tax breaks are over. Let's put corporations on notice. The loopholes are over. Let's put Congress on notice. Americans of all ages expect YOU to keep Social Security's promise." So wise.
Here's an idea: let's make the banks bail us all out by refinancing our home loans at 3.75%! HA!
Alan Grayson was mocked by a clownish, Econ 101 flunkee for his candor regarding why OWS protesters are upset. P.J. O'Rourke laughed at him and ridiculed him by suggesting he get a bongo drum and become the spokesman for OWS. Grayson's calm demeanor and intelligent, well-researched response was clear. He said, "If I am a spokesman for all the people who think we should not have 24 million in this country who can't find a full time job, 50 million people in this country who can't see a doctor when they're sick, that we shouldn't have 47 million people in this country who need government help in order to feed themselves and we shouldn't have 15 million families who owe more on their mortgage than on the value of their home - okay, I'll be that spokesman." He was given a standing ovation that could be felt nationwide.
Oh, and occupy this thought, NYPD... the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law interfering with the right to peaceably assemble. Just in case you hadn't heard...
Now, give me back my retirement. [cue cheesy grin here]